Kiln and waste treatment
Made in France
Version françaiseversión en español


Our market

Nos marchésOur market concern waste plant 45 to 6400 th/h, eq. to 52 to 7500 kW/h. We supply the world: Europe, Africa (North and Central), Asia ... No matter what your needs and your country, we have a solution.


Incineration unit

  • unit for medical waste (hospital, clinic, expired drugs...),
  • unit for industrial waste (packaging, life camp, oil exploration, pipeline, hazardous waste, oily waste,...)
  • unit for garbage waste,
  • Animal cremation (crematorium animal, slaughterhouse...)
  • The incineration of animal fat (possibly with energy recovery)


Technical Support
Monday to friday
9H00 - 18H00
Apicc - 180 Rue Clément Ader - 42153 Riorges - 04 77 23 04 04 ou 00334 77 23 04 04 (depuis l’étranger) -
Création Chrysodia Studio

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