Kiln and waste treatment
Made in France
Version françaiseversión en español


Energy recovery

All the incinerators can receive an energy recovery system. Gas released after secondary combustion chamber at high temperature carries intense heat which can be partly recovered for steam or hot water generation. This recovery is usually done in a boiler water tube or boiler pipe smoke. When the size of the installation permits, generator electricity using a turbine can be provided.

APICC advises the customer on the most suitable system and discusses with him the expected reduction of operating costs.

Technical Support
Monday to friday
9H00 - 18H00
Apicc - 180 Rue Clément Ader - 42153 Riorges - 04 77 23 04 04 ou 00334 77 23 04 04 (depuis l’étranger) -
Création Chrysodia Studio

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